6 Foot' 18/2 cable with soldered 3182-3SG-3DC connector to stripped cable
Built using RoHS compliant SJOOW Flexible Portable Cord. This cable is made with two 18 gauge wires, being lightweight and flexible imakes it ideal for use robotics, tools, equipment, appliances, small motors and other machinery. We hand solder a Conxall 3182-3SG-3DC Multi-Con connector made by Switchcraft on to 6 foot of 18/2 cable then simply strip the other end back so that there is 3 inches of wire shown makign it ready for the field.
We can build using a wide assortment of Multi-Con-X connectors in addition to the 3182-3SG-3DC we coul just as easily work with most all from the same family of connectors such as the 3180-3PG-524W, 3182-3PG-524W, W3180-3PG-524, W3180-3PG-524W, W3182-3PG-524 or W3182-3PG-524W solder or crimp options.
Built for a particular customer based on special wiring.
At Cables For Less we can build all sorts of custom cables per your specifications.
This particular cable / SKU is a very specific build for one of our great customers and simply serves as an example of what we are capable of.
If you have a need for something similar please get in touch with us as we'd love the chance to earn your business too!
Call 1-800-273-9556 or email sales@cablesforless.com for pricing - more information.